CALL : 330-327-0187

Perimeter Pest Control

Perimeter Pest Control is Your Best Defense to Prevent Bugs In Your Home!

Perimeter pest control protects your home from invasion of spiders, ants and other invasive insects that you absolutely don’t want in your house! Once they’re in your home, insects can do very harmful things. You may find ants munching on food in the kitchen or spiders hanging out on ceilings. We can help you protect your home by applying perimeter pest control prevention to the outside of your house. While we can’t keep 100% of them out, perimeter pest control is your first line of defense.

Many insects enter homes at the ground/foundation level. By applying a barrier to the outside perimeter of the home, we can prevent many of the bugs that typically enter. We spray the foundation that is above the ground and several feet out from the foundation on the flower bed or lawn. This application can’t guarantee you won’t see insects in the house, but it goes a long way to preventing most of them.

One perimeter application can last up to three months. Because it is applied outside, weather and envronmental factors determine how long each application lasts. For example, heavy rain or disturbance to mulch beds where the perimeter pest control was sprayed can reduce the effectiveness over time. Under ideal conditions, one application can help prevent intrusion for about three months. It is best to apply after the early Spring rainy season here in Ohio for best results and should be repeated as needed.

Remember to check your screens in the Spring for holes and gaps around the frame where bugs can slip through!

Contact us for more information or a quote on Perimeter Pest Control

Our Most Popular Turf Plan – 6 Applications

Most clients in northeast Ohio choose our 6 step fertilization and weed control plan. We offer 6 applications from Spring through Fall to keep your lawn green all season long. We start in Spring with a pre-emergent application to prevent Crabgrass and get your lawn growing after Winter. Summer applications include broadleaf weed control with fertilizer. This program includes a Grub step to prevent this common insect. In the Fall, we apply a winterizer to help grow root structure and prepare your lawn for Winter.

Common add-ons include: Fall Aeration to loosen compacted soil, Perimeter Pest Control & Flea & Tick applications to keep your family and pets safer.

Grass Illustration

6 Step Turf Fertilizer Plan

  1. Crabgrass Preventer + Fertilizer
  2. Broadleaf Weed Control + Fertilizer
  3. Early Summer Fertilizer
  4. Grub Control + Fertilizer
  5. Early Fall Fertilizer
  6. Winterizer

Aeration, Lime, Perimeter Pest Control and Flea & Tick Control

We’ll Keep It Green

Sekulic Turf specializes in making and keeping your lawn green and healthy! We provide affordable turf plans that give your lawn the best chance to thrive in northeast Ohio. Every lawn gets personal attention and service. Clients may request a lawn review in between visits if they have concerns.

Our traditional plans use quality fertilizer and weed control components that work best on northeast Ohio lawns. They have been proven over years of use to get the best results for your lawn.

If you would like a more natural turf program, we offer organic fertilizer. We apply a 100% organic fertilizer to your lawn rather than our traditional program.  Please contact us for more information on an organic turf program for your lawn.



Core Aeration is an important lawn maintenance task to keep your lawn healthy and green. Aeration helps loosen compacted soil, which can cause thinning grass and even brown patches.

Shrub Fertilization

Shrub Fertilization

We manage the health of all of your landscape plants from your lawn to shrubs, and small ornamental trees. If you need help with your landscape plants, please contact us for shrub fertilizer & maintenance programs.
Flea & Tick

Flea & Tick Prevention

You know Sekulic for the beautiful, green lawns that we service. We can also apply a pet friendly flea and tick prevention to keep your family and pets safe! Flea & tick prevention can be added to any of our turf plans.

New Lawn Installation

New Lawns

Sekulic installs new lawns for yards that are in need of major renovation, have drainage issues, or for new home construction. Contact us about a new lawn for your home.

Contact Us About All of Your Lawn & Landscaping Needs! 330-327-0187

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